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This page provides an overview of Missouri Arts Council grant information including grant programs, deadlines, this year’s changes, and resources.

If you are applying for funds from the Missouri Arts Council, go to  Apply for Funding.

FY2026 Grant Deadlines and Resources

Annual applications are for programs taking place from July 1, 2025 through June 30, 2026.

Annual applications opened on December 30, 2024.

The annual application draft deadline was January 27, 2025.

The annual application final deadline is February 24, 11:59 p.m.

We are accepting new applications for FY2026 annual funding in these programs:  Arts Education, Dance, Festivals, Literature, Media Arts, Multidiscipline, Music–Vocal/Presenters, Partnership (by invitation only), and Visual Arts.

If you were funded in the following programs in FY2025: Arts Council (Operating or Programs), Established Institutions, Folk Arts, Mid-Sized Arts Organizations, Music-Instrumental, or Theatre, this is an off-year. Your off-year application is in your account in SmartSimple. 

If you were not previously funded, you may be eligible for an Express Grant. 

NEW this year for ANNUAL Grants

The maximum request amount has been increased to $40,000 for Arts Education, Folk Arts, and Discipline. Off-year applicants will use the request amount from FY2025.

Matching funds are no longer required for the application. The match will be determined by your award in June. The interim report will require a matching budget (the amount of your award and the match). The MAC award cannot exceed 50% of total project expenses.

NEW this year for ALL grants

Only eligible expenses can be included in the project budget. Organizations are no longer allowed to use ineligible expenses for matching purposes.

Documentation retention is increased from three to four years.

Line-item funding: Missouri Arts Council funds cannot be used for organizations that also receive State of Missouri appropriations for projects that could be funded by MAC.

Annual Grants

Annual programs use the Annual Discipline application form. Arts Education and Partnership have different forms.

Closed programs for Annual funding: We are not accepting new applications for these programs: Arts Council–Operating Support, Arts Council–Project Support, Established Institutions, Folk Arts, Mid-Sized Arts Organizations, Music–Instrumental, Theatre. Interested organizations may apply for an Express Grant.

Returning applicants from closed programs: If your organization received annual FY2025 funding from the above programs, you must submit an Off-Year Application for FY2026 MAC support.

Annual cycle for Annual Grants

Annual Grant applications open on SmartSimple (end of month)

Draft Application deadline (last Monday, 11:59 p.m.)

Final Application deadline (last Monday, 11:59 p.m.)

Staff reviews applications for eligibility and completion

Panelists review, score, and comment for on-year applicants
Off-year applicants receive same score as previous year.

Panels meet to review on-year applications. The meetings are open to applicants. 
Last invoice due by end of month unless extended

Governor signs state budget
MAC board approves panel recommendations and budget
Fiscal year ends (end of month)

Fiscal year begins (beginning of month)
Final reports due (mid month)
Award letters sent to applicants
Interim reports available

Interim reports due (last Monday)

Interim report approved before grant agreement is issued
Once grant agreement is signed by all, invoices may be submitted after funding is spent and matched.

Partnership Grants

Partnership grants are available by invitation only.

General Eligibility
This program is by invitation only. If you have a program you wish to be considered, contact Michael Donovan, executive director, at 314-340-4740 or

The Partnership Grant funds special initiatives that strongly align with one or more Missouri Arts Council strategic goals:
Goal 1: Engage People in Meaningful Arts Experiences
Goal 2: Grow Missouri’s Economy Using the Arts
Goal 3: Strengthen Missouri Education through the Arts

To support and strengthen initiatives aligned with Missouri Arts Council strategic goals
To focus on strategic measurable outcomes
To provide a framework for evaluation
To develop a process to identify and involve future shared initiative partners

The programs would demonstrate public value and measurable outcomes.

Focused strategic outcomes: The Partnership is focused on strategic outcomes (as described above) with measurable and documented outcomes.
Significant community involvement: The Partnership is engaged with local and/or statewide partners strategically, logistically, and/or financially.
Strong management ability: The Partnership demonstrates strong management ability including leadership, program development, and financial stewardship.

Request Amount
The request amount will be determined based on meeting program criteria, available state resources, and community investment.

Alignment: Missouri Arts Council interview applicant to review proposed project, opportunities for engagement, alignment with strategic goals, desired outcomes, and budget.
Application: Apply online using the Partnership Application. Describe the project for which you are requesting funding.
   – How does it align with MAC strategic goals?
    What are the measurable outcomes?
   – How will the program be evaluated?
    Whom are you partnering with to ensure success?
    Additional attachments: annual/biennial registration, board list, budget detail

Staff reviews applications and makes funding recommendation to the executive committee.
The executive committee reviews and makes funding recommendation to the Missouri Arts Council board.
The Missouri Arts Council board reviews funding recommendations at the June meeting.
Staff notifies applicants of funding decision in July.

Draft Submission is due by the last Monday in January.
Final Submission is due by the last Monday in February.

Express Grants

We accept applications for Express Grants on a rolling deadline in these programs: Arts Council Basic, Arts Education, Big Yellow School Bus, Project, Touring–Community or School

Most use the Express Project application form. Express Arts Education, Big Yellow School Bus, and Touring have different application forms.

Resources for applications

Application checklist > Use this checklist to review your application before sending the draft and application.

Scoring guidelines > These guidelines are used by the panelists.

Board list template > Use this Excel file to submit your board list in the attachments to the application.

Budget detail sample > This budget detail sample shows what detail is expected for every budget.

Email to Governor and State Legislators sample

Instructions for Annual Discipline application

Missouri Annual Registration report sample

Resources for advisory panels process and panelists

Check here for an overview of our volunteer panels system and detailed information on panelists’ responsibilities, how to nominate panelists, our criteria for selecting panelists, and the annual month-by-month schedule of the panel process.

Accessibility service options

Communication Access
Sign Language Interpreters (ASL)
   – Provided automatically for events with 100+ attendees
   – Available upon request for smaller gatherings with advance notice (minimum two weeks preferred)
   – Includes tactile interpreting for individuals who are DeafBlind or neurodivergent when requested
Live Captioning (CART)
   – Offered for virtual events with 50+ attendees or available for smaller groups upon request
   – Captions are integrated into virtual platforms (e.g., Zoom, Teams) or provided through a separate link for real-time transcription.
   – Additional options: Open captions for pre-recorded content or subtitles in multiple languages for international audiences
CART Services
   – Real-time speech-to-text translation ensures accurate transcription for individuals with auditory processing needs.
   – Available for in-person events with a screen display or personal device streaming for private use
Assistive Listening Devices (ALDs)
   – Provided for in-person events, including wireless receivers, neck loops for hearing aids, or over-ear headphones
   – Systems compatible with hearing loop-enabled venues can be utilized for seamless amplification.

Visual Accessibility
Audio Description
   – Live narration describing visual content (e.g., presentations, performances) for participants with visual impairments
   – Available as live audio streams through headsets or pre-recorded descriptions for digital content
Large Print Materials
   – Event programs, agendas, and signage are available in 18pt font or larger, formatted for easy readability.
   – Options include high-contrast printing and sans-serif fonts to enhance clarity
Braille Materials
   – Event materials, including agendas, guides, and maps, can be translated into Braille upon request.
   – Option to provide tactile graphics or 3D-printed maps for enhanced spatial understanding
Screen Reader Compatibility
   – All digital materials are tested for compatibility with screen readers (e.g., JAWS, NVDA, VoiceOver).
   – Provide accessible digital copies in PDF/Word format with proper tagging and alt-text for images

Mobility Access
Accessible Seating
   – Designated seating for individuals with mobility aids, including wheelchairs, scooters, and walkers, with companion seating nearby
   – Options for aisle seats or flexible seating arrangements to accommodate personal preferences.
Accessible Restrooms
   – Restrooms equipped with wide doors, grab bars, and lowered sinks are guaranteed.
   – Include family restrooms or all-gender restrooms for diverse needs
Accessible Parking
   – Reserved parking spaces close to venue entrances, with clear signage and drop-off zone.
   – Van-accessible parking with additional room for ramps/lifts is ensured.
Transportation Assistance
   – Provide shuttle services with wheelchair lifts or coordination with local paratransit options
   – Maps showing accessible routes and entrances are made available in advance.

Cognitive and Sensory Accessibility
Quiet Room
   – Offer sensory-friendly spaces with dim lighting, comfortable seating, and noise-canceling headphones
   – Include fidget tools, weighted blankets, or aromatherapy options for additional comfort
Visual Cues and Wayfinding
   – Clear, high-contrast signage with large fonts and icons for easy navigation
   – Use tactile wayfinding (e.g., Braille signage, raised maps) and directional floor markers.
Flexible Programming
   – Options for smaller group sessions or sensory-friendly event timings (e.g., reduced noise and lighting)
   – Pre-event tours or virtual previews to familiarize participants with the venue

Language and Cultural Accessibility
Translation Services
   – Real-time interpretation for multiple languages, including ASL, Spanish, Mandarin, and others
   – Translated materials for grant applications and event programs provided in requested languages
Multilingual Signage and Captions
   – Ensure all signage, directions, and event information are available in common community languages.
   – Subtitles or captions available in requested languages for recorded content.

Event-Specific Accommodations
Pre-Event Accessibility Information
   – Include detailed accessibility features in event promotions (e.g., maps of accessible entrances, facilities)
   – Create an accessibility FAQ page to answer common participant questions
Advanced Reservation System
   – Allow participants to pre-book accommodations (e.g., interpreters, seating, devices) during registration

FY2025 GRANT information

The Interim Report, Grant Agreement, and Final Report are located in our  Online Grants Application and Management System.

ATTENTION: Save the Invoice PDF document onto your computer, then open and complete the form. If you complete the invoice in a browser, you will lose the data, or the calculation function will not work properly. Also, make sure that you are using up-to-date  Adobe Acrobat Reader DC software.


When your organization publicly recognizes Missouri Arts Council funding, you help us obtain the state and federal funds that support your organization.

Organizations that receive our funding must recognize our support wherever possible with the inclusion of our logo and this credit line: With public support from the Missouri Arts Council, a state agency. Communications methods where our logo and credit line should appear may include news releases, print publications, advertising, and online presences including your social media and website.

On Facebook, please tag us with @Missouri Arts Council. On your website, in the credit line and/or on the logo, link to our website (

Verbal acknowledgement should be given whenever there are no printed or online materials and during any interviews with the media.

When federal funding is indicated on your grant agreement, your organization must also credit the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) for support.

Missouri Arts Council logo

To download our logo in JPG, PNG, and Adobe Illustrator formats, see  Guidelines and Downloads for Missouri Arts Council Logos.

National Endowment for the Arts logo and credit requirements

To check on the NEA’s credit requirements and download the NEA logo in JPG, PNG, and EPS formats, see the  NEA’s website.